Welcome To Morden Fire & Rescue
Welcome to the Morden Fire & Rescue website. The department consists of 35 paid-on-call firefighters from all walks of life. We are proud to assist the City of Morden and the RM of Stanley with fire protection, education, and specialty team rescues to its residents. The fire department is over 110 years old and has been supported by employers throughout the community over its entire existence. Without their support and the support of councils, our department would not be able to operate at its current level.
Morden is located 12 miles north of the USA border in south-central Manitoba. The City of Morden has the Manitoba Escarpment to its west, with rolling hills and valleys, and flat prairie farmland to the east. This unique terrain of the Pembina Triangle has enticed many people to move to the area, causing us as a Fire Department to grow with it as well. In 2007 we moved into our new and present fire hall. The 5th fire hall in our existence. I invite you to browse our website, give us some feedback, and if you are ever in the neighbourhood, by all means, stop in and check out the department first hand.
Andy Thiessen
Fire Chief
Morden Fire & Rescue

We’re now on Facebook!!
Virtual Boot Drive For Muscular Dystrophy

How much does a Firefighter’s gear weigh??
Probationary Firefighter Stydrom, recently geared up and jumped on the scale to help us answer that question.
Picture 1 – A firefighter wearing his everyday clothes. This is what everyone wears, worn at work, at home, running errands, walking the dog.
Picture 2 – A firefighter with his turnout gear, helmet, gloves and boots. Firefighters wear this to vehicle accidents and on scenes that may have hazardous conditions present.
Picture 3 – A firefighter wearing his full turnouts, helmet and SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus.) Firefighters wear this responding to structure fires, vehicle fires, and gas leaks.
Picture 4 – A firefighter wearing his full turnouts, SCBA and irons. This is what firefighters may use to force entry into a building, investigate alarms sounding, or to ventilate a building of hot smoke and toxic gases.
Picture 5 – A firefighter wearing his full turnout gear, SCBA and hose pack. This is what a firefighter would use to fight a residential structure fire or high rise fire.
Our protective equipment ensures our safety but adds an extensive amount of weight to an already physically intensive job. Our firefighters train hard to be meet these tasks daily and to serve the citizens of Morden and the Rural Municipality of Stanley in a caring and professional manner.

With snow in the forecast, many of us have started all types of heating appliances to warm our homes. These can include natural gas furnaces and fireplaces in addition to wood-burning stoves and fireplaces. These appliances could leak carbon monoxide, which is why you should have carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home.
Captain Jonathan Baumgart shares installation and maintenance tips on Carbon Monoxide Alarms in this edition of Fire Safety Minutes.
Fire Safety Minutes is sponsored by Access Credit Union and Infinity Security.
As part of Fire Prevention Week, we are thrilled to launch Fire Safety Minutes sponsored by
Access Credit Union and Infinity Security Winkler.
These one-minute videos share fire safety tips on items found around your home and workplace. We would like to thank Steve Hiebert & Nathan Knight for the creation of these fire safety videos.
In this edition of Fire Safety Minutes, Fire Chief Andy shares fire safety tips on space heaters.
In this edition of Fire Safety Minutes, Captain Jonathan Baumgart shares fire safety tips on how to avoid a fire in the kitchen.
Fire Safety Minutes is sponsored by Access Credit Union and Infinity Security Winkler.
Follow the link to our Facebook page. Be sure to like and follow our page to receive news and information, daily burn ban updates, fire prevention tips, and community event information where you can meet and interact with firefighters.

Meet Ophelia, the newest member of our Public Education team!
She is currently in training working hard on her stop, drop & roll and crawling low under smoke drills. Ophelia would like to take this opportunity to remind residents to check the batteries in your smoke detectors monthly.
Once her training is complete, we hope to have Ophelia join us at various community events, helping firefighters share fire safety messages.
Rescue # 121
Rescue 121 has finally arrived!
After arriving Friday (Jaunary 31) afternoon, Rescue 121 officially went into service at 1700 hours today (Feburary 1), catching its first call only 38 minutes later!
Thank you to City of Morden citizens & council for allowing us the opportunity to serve our community with state of the art equipment! This new rescue truck will continue to proudly serve your community for decades to come.
We would also like to send a thank you to both Scott Wikes of Keewatin Truck Service for assisting with designing the truck and to E-ONE Fire Trucks (Official Site) for making our dream a reality.
Members will spend the next few weeks training and familiarizing themselves with features found on the new truck.