Peter Peters
Safety Officer – #125
Favorite Memory
I enjoy the guys in the department and believe that each member is a special friend to me because I truly believe that each member will be there for one another, at a fire scene or on the street. No matter what, I believe we are that close a unit.
Basic Info
Years Of Service
Reason For Joining
I got interested in joining the department from talking with my back door neighbour Merv, who was fire chief at the time.
Safety Officer, Fire Fighter Level 1, High Angle Team Member, Water Rescue Team Member, Ground Search & Rescue – Basic, Rescue Practices, Vehicle Extrication, Fire Ground Management, Radio Operator, Confined Space Rescue Awareness, Farm Accident Rescue Seminar, Standard First Aid CPR/AED Level C, Rescue Practices, Hazardous Materials Awareness, Incident Command System 100, Rural Company Officer, Traffic Control Seminar, Incident Safety Officer.